While that makes it more difficult for everyone else, it still doesn't stop Cassandra.
Varian subsequently protects the music box components with a metal cover, preventing them from being disabled in the same way. Attack Its Weak Point: Cassandra manages to bring down the first automaton by removing the music box that powers it.Assassin Outclassin': Varian put up a dummy because he knew someone might try to capture him from the inside, so he could ambush them later.
Don’t be afraid to follow your destiny. What you thought was dangerous might turn out not so dangerous after all. Unfortunately, this line of questioning doesn't work on him, and he replies that Corona will pay for abandoning him. And Then What?: Arianna asks Varian what he's going to do after he frees his father, hoping he will think about what he's doing. All for Nothing: It turns out Rapunzel’s hair won’t free Quirin as Varian thought, which makes him furious. Action Film, Quiet Drama Scene: Among all the action, the most emotional scene comes after the Queen is taken by Varian, with Rapunzel finally understanding the pain of losing a loved one and Frederic not only going in depth about what happened the night Rapunzel was born, but also coming to terms with the consequences of his choices that night. Accidental Misnaming: While disguised as Rapunzel, Shorty couldn't get Pascal's name right. Eugene, Cassandra, Frederic and Maximus join Rapunzel when she is forced by Varian to go to Old Corona. King Frederic reveals some background on the Sundrop Flower to Rapunzel. The fate of Corona hangs in the balance as Rapunzel embarks on a final showdown against Varian, who, still angered and hurt about the fate of his father, has now decided to do anything it takes to try to free his father-including endangering the royal family.